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11 Years of Excellence in Japanese Cookware and Tableware
11 Years of Excellence in Japanese Cookware and Tableware
Takumi: do non-nitrided woks and frypans work well?

Takumi: do non-nitrided woks and frypans work well?

Takumi is our first non-nitride carbon steel cookware. It took us a long time and much thought to bring our store the first non-nitrided carbon steel cookware. Although the price is generally more affordable, the quality is made in Japan.

Misconception: Nitrided and non-nitrided

There is a general misconception that a non-nitrided carbon steel wok and frypan are of inferior quality. This is simply not true. The quality is similar, but the nitriding process is not used. While nitrided woks are stronger and less likely to rust, that does not mean a non-nitrided wok will be easily damaged. It has the same life span of up to 10 years if it is maintained properly, just like a nitrided wok.

Don't scratch too hard and have a darker color

Oxidation is more likely in a non-nitrided wok, which is why seasoning and wiping with a white towel results in a darker black colour. This is normal.

You will remove the protective oil layer if you scratch the wok too hard. As we continue to cook and season the wok, the protective layer of oil will return. It is normal for Takumi wok to have protective layers come off as it is not nitrided. If you do not want black residue then you should purchase nitrided brand such as Yoshikawa, Kankuma, or Riverlight.

Other than these two points, Takumi did not differ significantly from other brands. The solidity of Takumi may surprise you as many chefs use it.

Maintenance is the key 

As a cookware retailer, our goal is to offer customers more options and let them choose the best cookware for their needs. We believe that the way we use and maintain our cookware heavily impacts how well it performs. We can ruin any type of cookware within a short period of time if we are extremely careless, even commercial cookware.

For customers who are wondering what is a nitriding process, please refer to another article on our website, which was written by our product specialist Kai, who has a great deal of experience with many varieties of cookware.

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Freiz Enzo Carbon Steel Series

Freiz Enzo Carbon Steel Induction Wok - 28cm
This stylish designer carbon steel wok is made in Japan.

Compared to other Japanese brands of woks and frypans, the Enzo wok has a sharp angle and a modern design. There is a hammered style to the wok.

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